"We all lose so many important things over and over again. Precious opportunities, possibilities, unrepeatable emotions. Living also means this. But each of us in our heads - yes, I imagine it is in the head - has a small room where it can keep all these things under the form of memories. A bit like the library rooms, with lots of shelves

And to be able to navigate ourselves with confidence in our spirit, we must keep the archive of that room in order: continuing filling up the cards, cleaning up, refreshing the air, changing the water to the flowers. In other words, you will live forever in your personal library."

Haruki Murakami


It is by now a coveted space like a rooftop pool. Have you noticed that many new houses, even luxury, do not have a closet? The whole design is unbalanced favoring the living room and the kitchen, often in open space, or on that part of the house responding to the most convivial aspects of life. All this can be beautiful, because we all love being together! But where do we put the vacuum cleaner, the ironing board, the brooms, the bucket and the detergents? Mystery.

If we are among the elected who have it, we exploit the internal volume as much as we can with shelving and cabinets, paying the utmost attention to accessibility towards different points. If we were not among the luckiest ones, we will forcefully need to recover enough space, inside the house, inside a wardrobe, which can perform the functions of the closet. But let’s not involve the poor terrace or balcony of the house, turning it into an ecological landfill!

Storage room

Quite often the storage room has the same fate as the chair in the bedroom. As the chair becomes the perpetual deposit of clothes with uncertain use, so the storage room turns into a place for objects abandoned for years. Especially in small houses, the storage rooms represent an outlet space, the main place to store all those useful objects, but occasionally used, which do not find space inside the house. Opening the storage room door should not become a nightmare, we should not be afraid of being overwhelmed by an avalanche of things stocked without a logical sense. Even this space deserves attention and proper use.

Storage room

Quite often the storage room has the same fate as the chair in the bedroom. As the chair becomes the perpetual deposit of clothes with uncertain use, so the storage room turns into a place for objects abandoned for years. Especially in small houses, the storage rooms represent an outlet space, the main place to store all those useful objects, but occasionally used, which do not find space inside the house. Opening the storage room door should not become a nightmare, we should not be afraid of being overwhelmed by an avalanche of things stocked without a logical sense. Even this space deserves attention and proper use.

Are you thinking of modifying or renovating some spaces of your home but you do not know how to start?

Talking to us could help put your ideas in order.